The Right Words
Cross-post from Alex Plotkin, YourHub
And by the way, if you get hung up on words, then you’re going to let a lot of evil [individuals] slip through. Because evil people learn the correct terms very quickly. I don’t know if you’ve noticed that? They are the first ones to learn it so they can smuggle their evil [stuff] through. By saying everything ‘correctly’ even though they are hiding really bad [stuff] in it.” – Patton Oswalt
Metro districts and high-density, high-priced rentals have spread, like cancer, across Colorado. Municipal and state legislators are enabling this plague, using the “right” words such as “affordable housing”, “equity”, “sustainability”, and “economic development”.
And you are paying for it – hundreds of dollars, per month, on top of the mortgage, in metro district fees which were voted on by the developers, before the residents had any say, or between $1,600 and $2,400 or more for a one-bedroom rental in a corporate-owned apartment building. …
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