Tag: housing

A Different Perspective

By Lenore Herskovitz

On November 4 the Lakewood City Council reluctantly voted to pass the Citizens Initiated Ordinance pertaining to park and open space dedication rather than send it to a special election. How and why did we arrive at this point?

Citizen activism has existed almost since Lakewood’s inception in 1969. “The True Story of How Belmar Park Came into Existence” by Stuart MacPhail tells how Lakewood citizens were able to override the wishes of most of the early Lakewood elected leaders and administrative staff regarding the establishment of Belmar Park. A multi-year conflict culminated in a citizen initiated public vote where they were victorious by a 2 to 1 margin.

In 2003, the mid-Lakewood residents banded together to prevent university incursion into their neighborhood. Through their perserverance they were able to get City Council to pass an ordinance prohibiting university uses in low density residential zoning. That ordinance was challenged in a lawsuit filed by Colorado Christian University in 2021. Prior to that filing, our own City Attorney told the public that the ordinance was discriminatory and unconstitutional and would not be upheld  by the Courts. Yet when forced to defend our law, the City won in both the District and Appellate Courts.

In 2017, a grassroots movement promoted the Strategic Growth Initiative (SGI). In addition to inclusion of a 1% growth cap, the SGI established an allocation program and oversight for projects of 40 units or more. This initiative was stalled in the Courts until 2019 when the judge ruled in favor of the petitioners. In July of that same year, the SGI was passed by voters. In August 2023, the Colorado Congress passed HB23-1255 which repealed existing growth caps enacted in Lakewood, Boulder and Golden. These municipalities were given 24 months to develop a plan moving forward. The Lakewood City Council passed legislation one day before the House Bill took effect to sundown the SGI by August 2025.  Since  the Initiative had a severability clause, the Council could have easily removed the provision pertaining to the growth cap and retained the rest. Such a move would have honored the will of the voters and satisfied the state requirements. Interestingly, the Save Open Space(SOS) petition also includes a severability clause so if one part of it is determined to be illegal by a judge, the other parts could still remain intact.

The repetitive statements claiming “We hear you” become meaningless when it doesn’t translate into action.

The previous three examples of successful community activism can be categorized as David vs. Goliath battles. City officials and big money opposing residents. Citizens mobilize when they feel their representatives are non-responsive to their concerns. The repetitive statements claiming “We hear you” become meaningless when it doesn’t translate into action. For years there have been rumblings about how to balance open space and housing. Residents are justifiably upset because major decisions regarding developments are made behind closed doors and by the time the public is informed it is too late for their input to affect any change. These issues resurfaced last fall when details were revealed about Kairoi Residential’s plan to build 412 luxury apartment units adjacent to Belmar Park. Citizens began showing up at Council meetings on a regular basis to raise questions about traffic, safety, and environmental impact. The feedback they received was the typical “go away”. Although Councilors  were sympathetic, there was nothing they could do. A fee-in-lieu policy allowed developers to buy out of land dedication and that’s exactly what they did. It was discovered that the Director of Community Resources was supposed to re-evaluate the amount of the fee on an annual basis. She had not followed through since 2018 – a major oversight which needed to be rectified. To the public’s knowledge, no one was held accountable for this.  The citizens, frustrated by the lack of Council action, decided to organize and try to resolve these problems. The result was the formation of the SOS Green Initiative. Over the next 6 months community members volunteered to collect thousands of signatures on the petition (eventually close to 6500 were verified after submission to the City Clerk). In April 2024 Council held a Study Session to try and make modifications to the park dedication and fee-in-lieu policies. The meeting included recommendations from Norris Design and Duncan & Associates who had been hired by the City in the fall of 2023 to do an assessment of our fee-in-lieu and parkland dedication policies. No ordinance was proposed. There was a comment submitted on Lakewoodspeaks by Marianne Nagel and several others which introduced specific recommendations regarding calculation of fees, etc. that were less extreme than those in the SOS petition yet Council expressed no interest in adopting them. It is unfortunate that our elected officials and staff didn’t meet with the organizers of the Initiative and Marianne Nagel and her group to collaborate on creating an effective ordinance that incorporated the best of each plan. It should be noted that in June, the Director of Community Resources finally increased the amount of the fee-in-lieu (effective July 1 this year).

The Council members were aware of the contents of the Initiative for months before the November 4 meeting and could have addressed their concerns before it was submitted. Instead the Council waited and used the special meeting to denigrate the efforts of their constituents. Two of the most vocal opponents were Councilor Rein and Councilor Low. Their hyperbolic vitriol was egregious. Councilor Rein was the only representative who stated definitively that the ordinance was”illegal”. This was surprising because he is an attorney and should be well aware that legality is not determined by City Councilors or even City Attorneys, but by judges in a court of law.

Councilor Rein felt the public would lose trust in their elected officials if they  sent an “illegal” ordinance to the ballot box in a special election. Actually, misleading constituents increases the distrust that is already prevalent. Councilor Stewart stated that the Initiative could be in violation of the recently passed HB24-1313. That piece of legislation could also be challenged in Court just like any other law. It is perfectly legitimate for Councilors to raise their concerns about the legality of this ordinance but it appeared that they were inviting a lawsuit by declaring its inevitability.

Councilor Low’s opening statement was that the SOS was “bad on so many levels”. He continued to spew criticisms without ever offering any alternate solutions. He offended the petitioners by suggesting that the signature gatherers had purposely misled the public to gain their support for the Initiative. Not long before he made this unsubstantiated claim, one of the volunteers had spoken about his experiences while collecting signatures. He stressed how he explained the content of the petition to signers before they put pen to paper.

Council was also worried about the potentially detrimental impact the Initiative would have on building affordable housing. Many citizens were unhappy with the number of high density market rate apartments that will dominate the area  from Westland to Quail St. Councilor Shahrezaei stated that there are some areas that are meant to absorb some density. She failed to acknowledge that the criticism addressed specific developments which combined would contain more than 1000 units without including any affordable residences. Even more disturbing, a proposed project from Kairoi that offered 850 market rate units would displace a King Soopers creating a food desert.

This part of Colfax does not have a park within a 10 minute walk. It is surrounded by endless rows of apartments. Does this represent Lakewood’s plan for strategic housing?

There was much consternation about the lack of affordable housing and accusations that the Green Initiative would be detrimental to future development. However, City Council itself has inhibited the creation of affordable housing by delaying the advance of inclusionary zoning for 2 years. In 2022, the Development Dialogue Committee was set to discuss inclusionary zoning which would have required developers to include a certain percentage of affordable units in their residential  projects. The committee was disbanded by a vote of Council. Councilor Shahrezaei said this committee was redundant because the Housing Policy Commission (HPC) would be dealing with this topic. But the HPC  chose to prioritize short term rentals for more than a year. They finally started addressing the issue at the beginning of this year. How many  affordable units were lost during the period of the delay? On November 4 Councilor Mayott-Guerrero asked Travis Parker, Chief of the Sustainability and Community Development Department, how many affordable units we have in the City. He was unable to answer, saying he would look into it. The messaging seems to be that there is a housing shortage, but it is more accurate to say that there is a shortage of housing that people can afford. Yet we continue to cater to developers who only provide market rate residences. The huge building at 1221 Wadsworth went into foreclosure. It contained more than 300 units. Did the City or Lakewood Housing Authority attempt to buy this at its reduced price before someone else did so? This property is adjacent to the light rail and a perfect location for the type of housing we so desperately need.  Perhaps another  missed opportunity. There is only a finite amount of land so how we use it is critical. We need open space, parks and trees. We also need the kind of housing opportunities that people want. This extends beyond apartments.

Councilor Nystrom offered suggestions moving forward. She said the City should be consulting with environmental engineers to do assessments. She suggested xeroscaping for property enhancement. Councilor Nystrom actually spoke in support of the citizens saying they “should not have to protest, put petitions out there or hire lawyers. “ She encouraged  her fellow councilors to engage with their constituents to resolve these problems and acknowledged that they needed to do better keeping the public informed about developments.

Residents “should not have to protest, put petitions out there or hire lawyers.“ – Councilor Nystrom

The City uses distraction to cover for their inaction. What is sorely absent is any attempt to coordinate and collaborate with the public to create meaningful legislation.

Rather than obliterating the entire Initiative, they could have worked with community representatives to improve it. Modify what is too extreme. Make additions to soften the impact on affordable problems. Insert buffer zones. Instead of demonizing the petitioners, learn from them. They were delivering a message. Build what is wanted and needed, including a path to affordable ownership in addition to rentals. Residential developments must include some open space or parkland.

A final plea to City Council: Replace condemnation and condescension with collaboration and cooperation. Learn from prior mistakes. An Italian proverb says: Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up.

From Applewood Heights Community Organization

Despite a 5 1/2 hour Subdivision Public Hearing on 8/21, regarding the development site and both the community and the Planning Commission sharing the same concerns surrounding the safety of the access through W. 15th Place, lack of street connectivity, and making our driveway unsafe to access/unusable in winter, the developer (Metro West Housing Solutions) submitted their 5th rendition to the major site plans to the City without addressing the safety concerns that the community and the Planning Commission had. The City has returned their redlines to the developer without addressing the concerns of the Planning Commission or the Community.  

On October 14th, we filed a formal request with the City Attorney to have the Major Site Plan review to be turned over by the planning commission as today the City doesn’t have a public hearing for major site plans and it does not go before the Planning Commission. Site plans are simply approved by the Director of Planning. Attached is the letter that was sent by our attorney to Travis Parker via the City Attorney. We are still waiting to hear back from Travis Parker to see if it will be approved to go before the Planning Commission. We will keep pressing on this as we feel that with this being a complex site location, this should be put in front of the Planning Commission. 

We also attended the City Council meeting which helped us to gain some traction with the Mayor and City Council. After the meeting, the Mayor and a number of City Council members have reached out directly to us. Below is the email written to us from Mayor Strom. While we don’t know what changes they are proposing, it is a step in the right direction. 

“It has become public knowledge that City of Lakewood staff have provided design services to Metro West [Housing]. This kind of interaction only exacerbates the existing conflict of interest between the City of Lakewood and Metro West, which is the housing organization of the City of Lakewood.” From MST Evaluation Letter above

On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 12:26 PM Wendi Strom <[email protected]> wrote:

Jonna and team,

Thank you for staying in touch on this, and for everyone’s time spent in reaching out to your Councilors and coming to speak to City Council recently.

Though I’ve not lived in your area of Lakewood, I’m aware of some of the history and safety concerns surrounding this stretch of road and agree with you that the added the number of vehicles (and trips) to this space as a result of this project would likely only make things worse for your neighborhood (and the new residents that would ultimately be moving in). 

I am working closely with Mayor Pro Tem Shahrezaei and city staff to address these concerns and with the hope of coming up with a solution that will not pose heightening these risks upon your neighborhood community.  While I do not have any solutions to report right now, I want to let you all  know that we hear you, that I agree that safety is the number one issue, and that work is being done to try to improve this project. 

Thank you for advocating so tirelessly for your neighborhood, I know this has been a long road.  We’ll share more when we have it.

Warm regards,

Wendi Strom

Mayor, Lakewood Colorado

Lakewood residents voted to give up their TABOR refunds forever. The measure started with Lakewood encouragement, used tax dollars to see what words messaged the best, and raised over $50,000 from people who benefit from city dollars. The money will be used for basic city services like parks and public safety, freeing up money for other city pet projects such as electrification and homeless initiatives.

The final vote tally came out 61.7% in favor, 38.2% against.

From Jefferson County unofficial election results

The first campaign committee report showed that a majority of city council members donated to the committee including Councilors Sinks, Low, Shahrezaei, Rein, LaBure, Nystrom and Mayor Strom. Greg Stevinson also donated $10,000. Stevinson just had more land annexed by Lakewood in May, 2023.

The second report shows the Lakewood Police Union and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 21 each made $10,000 donations.

From second campaign finance report of Our Lakewood

An interesting note is the $5,000 donation from the Colorado Gives Foundation. In 2024, Lakewood started a partnership with the foundation, appropriating $500,000 to give them* to develop more affordable housing (see budget book pg 23).

*Correction 13 Nov – Lakewood appropriated the money to spend on Colorado Gives affordable housing projects but is not giving the money directly to Colorado gives.

This circular relationship shows that the TABOR refunds will not just affect parks and potholes, as sold by Lakewood.

Ironically, a day before the election, Councilor Roger Low went on a rant during the City Council meeting, expressing outrage that a resident petition was not honest with the residents who were signing it. He said that if residents were asked to sign a petition that is probably illegal, they wouldn’t have gotten as many signatures, and his hypothetical description is a “much more accurate title”.

This sentiment was echoed by the majority of councilor, just like they agreed with the TABOR initiative language that there will be no new taxes. However, the city leadership failed to disclose that no new TAX RATES is not the same as no new TAX REVENUES.

Lakewood residents will be paying increasing Lakewood tax revenues with the passage of this measure. The amount in resident pockets will get be lessened.

Lakewood has budgeted an ongoing $466,000 for Severe Weather Sheltering. This is a separate initiative from the Navigation Center but for now, the Severe Weather Shelter operates out of the Navigation Center. Once remodeled, the Navigation Center will have full-time sheltering capabilities. The Severe Weather Shelter is only for times when the temperature reaches below 32 degrees. In Colorado, there are about 153 days a year below 32. Lakewood leadership has not yet reached a consensus on sheltering options for the very hot days, but that discussion is happening. These are two separate discussions, weather sheltering and everyday sheltering, to serve different needs for the homeless population. The result is more homeless sheltering options and an increased budget. Money will come from the city General Fund. A decision on where to have a permanent Severe Weather Shelter has not yet been disclosed.

Lakewood has also set aside $300,000 from the Economic Development Fund to donate to unhoused non-profits, as well as $9.5 million to buy property for potential homeless initiatives.

Graph from BestPlaces.net showing approximately 153 days below 32 degrees

Guest Post from Laura Majors

We all rely on our elected officials, both paid and volunteer to do the right thing, work together, and make the best decisions possible for the city, county, and school system.  When they aren’t talking, community amenities are put at risk.  Our neighborhood, in the north end of Ward 1, is in a position to lose many amenities that can isolate a neighborhood.  We are being handed “plans”,  then input is received and largely ignored, with a concession here and there.  Here are the example of what we are experiencing:

Graham Park & Graham House:  

The Graham House and Park were donated to the city for a park with house for meetings and education.  Last Autumn, a small group of neighbors and HOAs (in a largely non-HOA neighborhood) were notified of “improvements” to this park.  The plan included the demolition of the Graham House. The reason for the demolition plan was the cost of fixing up the building as event rentals had decreased, largely for the reason that the building had not been maintained.   According to counts of the responses on at the initial community meeting and on  https://www.lakewoodtogether.org/grahamparkimprovements , community members want to keep the building, yet this request was ignored.  The new plan after community involvement, is to demolish the building.  An open records request response said that there is no record of a legal review by the City Attorney whether or not demolishing the building in respect to our city charter is legal, section 14.3, page 40.   Today, I requested of all our city council members a legal review of the plan to demolish the Graham House within Graham Park.  If there is an objective lawyer out there reading this who would like to give a pro bono opinion to the community, please do.

Graham Park Public Mee�ng Comment Cards Summary
• Keep the main building, kitchen and bedroom so it’s available for use for small public
needs/mee�ngs. Certainly more benches, sea�ng.
• Leave the property as close as possible to the original.
• Preserve and upgrade the building for community use.
• Exis�ng home should be updated for use as a community mee�ng loca�on.
• I would hate to see the house torn down. If it was fixed up maybe it would be rented more.
• Leave it alone! Gave land to Lakewood for people to enjoy and appreciate nature.
• Try to save the house, it is an architectural gem.
• No reason to demo house. Publicize the rental beter and lower the cost.
• Make use of the allocated “pot” money to preserve this historical gem. Don’t tear it down –
• Maintain/Rehab, but do not change the house.
• Please restore the house (i.e., wiring, plumbing, air condi�oning, hea�ng, ADA accessible).
Preserve open space and leave it natural.
• Graham House can be saved. House should be turned over to the Applewood Sustainable

Vivian Elementary School: 

JJeffCo School District decided to close Vivian Elementary School.  The school exists on a parcel of land donated in 1953 by the Larsen family, who farmed the land.  The family of the Larsens have indicated they would like the property to remain public.  Since the school closed in the Fall of 2023, neighbors say we are not receiving the priority #2 snow plowing around the school, making it more difficult to get out of the neighborhood onto priority #1 streets.

 In April 2024, JeffCo Schools held a community meeting at the local library.  They were overwhelmed by the number of people from our community who were interested, so many that monitors were set up outside of the room for overflow.  Representatives from the school district told the community that the City of Lakewood had turned down the opportunity to purchase the land and building.    This municipal process was posted on the JeffCo Schools Disposition web site for how the process was supposed to go.  The first step of the process is to meet with city officials, yet no record of this meeting exists.  

At the library meeting, the community gave clear feedback that a park was the best use of this land and indicated that the school district should go back to the city and ask again. Instead, Jeffco Schools went ahead with their next steps in the process to sell the land, which could result in up to 70 homes being built on the property.  Community members came forward in force with requests of the city to purchase this land for a park and possibly using the building for a recreation or learning center of some kind.  

On September 13th at 12:00 noon, the City Council of Lakewood and the Jeffco School Board and Superintendent held a meeting.  The only topic discussed was the school disposition process and more specifically, Emory and Vivian Elementary Schools.   While the Jeffco School Disposition process has a community notification system in place for anyone interested in one or all of the schools, a notification did not go out about this meeting.  The meeting was mostly about how the process didn’t work and Jeffco Schools admittedly said that the municipal process needed to be more “formal”, and that the city would be given more time in the future to respond on whether or not a property was desired for purchase.  The additional time would allow the city to discuss plans with the community before giving a formal response on a property.   

So, there are now direct negotiations for the city to purchase 3 acres from Jeffco Schools and Jeffco has asked developers to include that in their final plans.  

A community group met with one of the developers at their request to look at their plan and give feedback.  The development plan was for the ballfields, basketball court, playground, picnic areas, parking lot, and school building to be demolished.    The plan showed 37 houses leaving 3 acres of park space. Unfortunately, this is the 3 acres on the easement under which a very large Denver Water pipe lies.  Likely, homes could not be built on most of this space anyway.  We lose our amenities, we gain an easement. 

We would like to have a discussion with the city before all the amenities are gone.  

10850 20th Street/Quail Street Park:   

City Council approved the purchase of this land from Denver Water in the Autumn of 2023.  The city website says they have purchased it and will ask for community involvement after the purchase is complete. The portion on which Quail Street Park with a playground sits is a lease held by the city through 2028.

The Assessor’s office shows the owner is still Denver Water.  I asked the city for clarification and was told negotiations are ongoing.  City Council members have described this land as “passive park space”, which denotes no ball field or space for organized sports.

Removal of 20th and Oak Pedestrian Light:  

In addition to these properties, a pedestrian traffic light at 20th and Oak was being reviewed for decommissioning.  Kids used it to get to Vivian Elementary School.  Neighbors responded to the request for input, saying this light connects the neighborhood blocks, slows traffic on 20th, and was good for the community.  The light was removed.

A neighborhood at risk of isolation: 

A micro look at each of these decisions and the manner in which they were executed, taken individually,  is certainly not palatable. And when looked at from a macro level, they indicate government entities not working together and in doing so, isolating a community from amenities which have been at the center of this community’s mental and physical health.

The City of Lakewood’s own research identified Ward 1 as the ward with the least amount of city park and green space per population. How is more infill acceptable?

We’ve lost a school, the center of community connection.  We’ve lost a pedestrian light that assured the safety of community members walking our part of the city.  We are losing a second community building through what seems to be intentional neglect with intention to demolish. Now we’re at risk for losing  ball fields, picnic areas, and a playground with no assurances to replace these amenities.  

With all the focus on mental and physical health, why remove those amenities that keep us mentally and physically strong, placing those budgets and efforts instead on fixing those things later at a higher cost? 

Karen Sweat, CPA

The owners of Lakewood affordable housing are plagued by crime that is ruining their business and driving residents away. A piece of their property was taken by Lakewood in 2022 through eminent domain to be used as a bike path. Now that bike path, along RTD tracks, is home to so much illegal activity that the people living nearby are leaving their affordable housing to go elsewhere. Property owners made another plea to City Council on August 26 asking for police enforcement. Property owners met with RTD on September 9 and city representatives accepted the invitation to attend. However, no new actions or greater enforcement was promised. Property owners were urged to keep calling but their calls will remain a low priority since Lakewood does not prioritize drug use or vagrancy.

“We have Section 8 people who do not want to live at our property and are moving out. We have higher turnover and vacancy costs. We are being put out of business by the issues going on across the street. Our business is to help and provide affordable housing.” – Property owner

The owners have made hundreds of calls to police in the last years. The police are involved in several incidents but say their hands are tied so they try and disperse the people loitering, who then return and continue their activities, leaving evidence of drug use and drug deals on the property.

City Council defends programs of selective enforcement or non-enforcement. These programs nullify the law, leaving people like these owners to watch their affordable housing become uninhabitable. Council has chosen to keep laws on the books that the city will not enforce.

The Zephyr property used to have a valuable amenity, being on a quiet, dead-end street near the lightrail. That has changed.

“…now it’s drugs and illegal activity. This isn’t watching people smoking weed. This is watching people doing hard drugs and bad things. All day every day.” – Property owner

People passed out and loitering behind the fence of this apartment complex
Image from public comment presentation showing someone passed out, and people loitering.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time these property owners have had to come before City Council. They came a year ago to plea for help and came once before that. They have been ignored for years. Points West still operates out of Lakewood to provide safe drug use material with county funding. (Read more about these complaints in Lakewood Informer news)

Lakewood police told property owners that calls on infractions involving illicit drug use and vagrancy are a low priority call. On the day of the RTD meeting, RTD and Lakewood officials came to the property to find the remains of a campfire that vagrants had set the night before. Lakewood considers the space a park and allows people to stay. RTD also allows people to stay as long as needed.

Lakewood does not prioritize drug use or vagrancy. – Policy of Lakewood Police as explained to property owners

Note: Lakewood City Council supports this unofficial decriminalization of drug use and vagrancy out of compassion for the homeless.

Watch the full video testimony here (minute mark 42:23):

Transcript (emphasis added):

We’re the owners and managers of 1320, 1330 Zephyr Street. We’re a family-owned business that was started in 1991. Over the last 10 years we’ve produced a portfolio of apartments, mostly in West Denver and in Lakewood. We currently own more than 300 units in Lakewood, and multiple properties along the light rail station. We take pride in providing safe, clean, affordable housing, and we are committed community partners, striving to make a positive impact. In the community we operate.

More than a third of our tenants are on Section 8 housing vouchers.

Our main focus today is the challenges of the transit population along Wadsworth Station specifically, that is affecting Zephyr Street and multiple properties along the light rail station. We purchased the Zephyr apartments in 2016. We improved the property investing in the units, common area, and had a stable, quiet property, um, that families enjoyed living in.

In 2022, the City of Lakewood came and took part of the property via eminent domain to create a larger public walkway and bike path, and they took valuable parking from our residents. Since then, we’ve had ongoing issues with the transit population along the light rail that was once a valuable amenity to our tenants. Here’s our property, highlighted in green, the Wadsworth station is one block to the east of the picture, highlighted in yellow is the section that was eminent domain from our property. 

Here is the southeast, southwest corner of our property, looking to the east of the light rail station is 2 blocks um past our property, um, and this shows the area that was eminent domain.

I’m gonna just talk about some of the safety concerns and issues that we have since the property was taken this larger walkway, um, sits behind a chain link fence from our property and our tenants no longer feel safe. This is a place that was a nice area.  The street dead ends there. And so a nice public space and it’s now drugs and illegal activity. This isn’t watching people smoking weed. This is watching people doing hard drugs and bad things. All day every day. People don’t want their kids to use the bike path. Tenants don’t feel comfortable going and using the public transportation and light rail.

What was once an amenity is now a nuisance.

We’ve constant trespassing and public intoxication. So we have people that come onto our side and they come on people’s balconies, they break into our property in common area. We’ve had theft of our property of our tenant’s property and vehicles. With people using the bathroom out of the bathroom. People doing Schedule One drugs and doing other things that nobody wants to see all day every day at their apartment. It’s a health and safety concern.  They’re creating trash constantly, so the trash gets in between this fence and is littered onto our property. So WE have to go pick up needles and, and spend time and money, to make a safe place for our tenants in our community, which is our goal as a landlord.

The unauthorized vehicle access.

We have limited parking spaces in our property and now people literally come and park illegally at our property to sell drugs at this location.

The conduct is that we have cars that are left and abandoned there. We do have the police involved and they’ve come and made some arrests and done some things, but they really, if you talk to the police, their hands are tied and they tell people to kind of move along and people are back shortly thereafter. People continue to enter our property, the criminal activity and drug use is consistent, and I mean, these are pictures of this is a guy on our property passed out. I mean, literally needs help. This is just showing from a car the quantity of people that gather here. Some of these are videos that you play, but you guys get the idea. I mean, there is a constant stream of people here and as landlords on the other side of the fence. We can’t, there’s only so much that we can do. We’ve called the police 100 times in the last year, more than I think, 45 times since April. You can’t see these police reports, but there’s all the things happening at the property, fireworks, drugs, breaking and entering, theft.

You know, as a property owner, we think we have a responsibility, and our tenants have a responsibility to the public space. Um, they need to take care of the public space.  They shouldn’t endanger the life of people around the area.  They shouldn’t conduct property damage or destruction, or they shouldn’t materially harm or threaten people or properties, health, safety and welfare. And this happens every single day to the tenants at our property, from the people who are right there on the other side of the fence, and,

We feel like the city has a responsibility to uphold the same standards that we would want to uphold as a landlord in our private property on your private property, and it’s just not being done today.

We want to be a good neighbor.  We want to help out, but there’s a situation right now where it’s. We can’t go and arrest people on the other side of the fence like we could play, you know, Hansen bop like and we put up bigger lights.  They just have a nighttime party now, like I mean, we, we’re as a landlord, spending time and money, we’ve installed lighting, cameras. We’ve hired security that comes, we constantly contact you guys. This is my first time speaking with you guys. I believe this is Elon’s 3rd time.  We’ve reached out to RTD.  We actually have a meeting set up with RTD.

But we have a request for action. We want to be able to use our walking and bike path and our public transportation, and it shouldn’t be a place that people can do illegal activities, camp and have vagrancy. It makes it difficult for people to ride their bikes around town, to go and use mass transit. And so how do we move people in a safe and, and respectful way.

The Action Center is a quarter of a mile from our property. Involving the action center and getting these people real help. Installation of signs that just say no loitering camping or noise violations maybe creating a quiet hours where after certain times, people can’t congregate in these areas.

We would ask the city, it’s your fence, not our fence to just install a cover or barrier like you’d have at a construction site. So people don’t have to watch people doing bad things all day every day with their families and their kids, I think an increased police and security presence and we’re in Ward 2.

I know that we’ve messaged, I know there’s things happening on your guys’ side, you know. We’re,

We want to be a team player. We’ll donate our time and effort to help.  We’ll donate our money. We want to make this a place that people want to live and stay, be with their families.

We have Section 8 people who do not want to live at our property and are moving out. We have higher turnover and vacancy costs. We are being put out of business by the issues going on across the street. Our business is to help and provide affordable housing.

We need action. I know Elon’s come three times. I don’t know what has to happen. I know this is not just in this area of the city, it’s in a lot of areas of the city, but in these areas that are specifically right by where mass transit is, that people should be using to take to work should be a predominant focus of the city, of what we can do and what we can help.

In a city council it’s great to have ideas and meetings, but we need action to solve the problems and issues in front of us. So thank, thank you. I appreciate you taking the time. We have tons of pictures and all kinds of really terrible stuff. I, I don’t think the videos are playing, but at the end of the day, I think you guys get the  idea, you don’t need to see the  pictures and videos we have, but they are everything and it’s sad to see it  happen to the community in the area and we’d like to invite  you out to the meeting with RTD. If you would like to attend, please let us know. We’re meeting the Deputy Chief Stephen, I’m forgetting his name, of RTD on September 9th at 10 a.m. and so we welcome anybody to come and see the issue and what’s going on there, um. And uh and talk about solutions and problems that we can take as, uh, private and public partners to help the issue. Thank you. 

A Lakewood resident gave an impassioned speech about how crime has dramatically increased around the Lakewood Navigation Center. She spoke immediately after City Council passed their new ordinance to allow more transitional housing for homeless. This resident lives near the new Navigation Center shelter and has had her life threatened multiple times. Council members, like Council Member Low in Monday’s meeting, like to point out studies where crime has decreased around pallet homes or shelters in Los Angeles. What they don’t say is that crime first dramatically increases due to the city’s policy of enabling crime through compassionate non-enforcement and enabling of unhoused activities.

“Today is the third time in less than three months that my life has been threatened…. These people told me they would knock me off my bike, beat me to death and kill me.”

“They go back there and smoke their crack and smoke their meth.”

“When we call the police, WE become the criminals.”

See this Lakewood resident speak at video minute marker 2:05:30


I live [in Ward 1]. The Garrison station’s there, the James Richie park is there, the action Center’s there, and just a few blocks from that is your Recovery Center.

I can’t walk to the grocery store. I can’t ride my bike around my neighborhood from all the drugs and you all sit here with all this enthusiasm to help the homeless.

I’m not an uncompassionate person. I have compassion to help those that want to help themselves.

Drug addicts are not housing insecure.

Yes, they live on my street and they endanger me every single day. I can’t go and dump my garbage without this, okay (holds up can of mace). I can’t dump my garbage. It’s literally 20 feet from my house because I have to carry mace.

Today marks the third time, not the second, I was a little upset when I called you today, the third time in less than three months my life has been threatened. Three times! Do you guys get threatened every day in your neighborhood? Do you have to carry mace just to dump your garbage? I doubt it.

The police are familiar with this.

Every time myself and my other neighbors contact [the police] we’re the criminals.

Those of us that have worked hard all of our lives and paid for a place and pay our taxes and we’re the criminal. Oh but they’re homeless! Today the police officer when I called dispatch they said do you want to press charges and I said absolutely!

These people, five of them, said they were going to knock me off my bike, beat me to death and then kill me, which was both the same thing.

They asked if I wanted to press charges. I said yes.

No one came.

They told me to wait in the Action Center in the parking lot. I did for 15 minutes while they all dispersed and harassed me on their way out of town or wherever they were headed and then, when the cops finally got there after I called 911 the second time, three officers show up in three different $250,000 vehicles and go,

“What do you expect us to do?”

That was the response after they interrogated me, the victim. It was what do you want us to do. This is crap. You guys know it.

The police aren’t doing anything.

You guys have an ordinance sign ordinance 9.66.10. It’s got the City of Lakewood written on it and it says no trespassing in giant letters. It’s down to a ravine it also backs up to a derelict property that has drug dens on it. That’s all they do. They go back there and smoke their crack and smoke their meth. That’s what they do. I know it for a fact. I’m not just making it up to be mean to homeless people.

This is a dangerous little corridor. It’s a simple fix folks and it doesn’t take $250,000 SUVs to fix it. How about you put a couple of e-bike cops out there. They could ride between Garrison and Carr Street and 13th and 14th and be busy 24 hours a day.

24 hours a day they would be dealing with crime

Lakewood City Council amended the building code to allow transitional housing for homeless on September 9. There were no defined programs, no defined projects, no defined locations, no operational guidelines and no defined structures. City Council Members spent most of their comments defending the lack of specificity by saying this is just the first step. They pointed to the housing crisis as evidence of need. Council positions are summarized below. The vote was 10-1, with Councilor Olver being the sole no vote. Programs can start as soon as the city acquires land, which was not approved in the 2025 budget.

Councilor Rein proposed a contentious amendment that would require the city to own or control the housing programs. There was push back from Council Members Shahrezaei, Mayott-Guerrero, Stewart, Cruz, Low, Nystrom, and Sinks. The feeling seemed to be that Lakewood should buy the land with taxpayer money and allow the programs but essentially give it to private actors to use for the homeless. An interesting note is that many Council Members frequently mention their work for non-profits while advocating like they are soliciting donations, rather than legislating from a government responsibility standpoint.

There is a homelessness crisis and if we don’t do anything we are complicit…. People have a right to shelter. – Public Comment, Amber Varwig

Rein eventually removed his owned or control language. That means any non-profit can control the program. As Council Member Shahrezaei pointed out, this includes faith-based programs. Once approved, the city will have no control over the program.

“It is irresponsible to change this ordinance for plans that you are not willing to be transparent about.” – Public Comment, Wendy Shrader

There is no defined project, policy or process for a city approved project so staff was unable to answer many of the City Council questions, which was awkward because City Council obviously had specific things in mind and they struggled to figure out how to get their base assumptions resolved.

“How far from the usual do you want to go in amending this building code” …Transitional housing is not within in the purview of the building code to begin with. – City staff response upon being questioned on whether it is even possible to put “own or control” definitions into the building code.

Without a defined “City of Lakewood Transitional Housing Program” , and without a defined approval process, this discussion could morph into anything in future.

Council Member Comments and Positions

Stewart: Asked questions so that staff can reiterate that these units are safe. Clarifies that City Council asked for this ordinance before other pieces come forward. She says that when they tried to do safe parking they had a vendor lined up and then had to wait because the city hadn’t changed the ordinance first. She clarifies with staff that the word control and approved is not defined in the ordinance as passed, which she agrees to.

Mayott-Guerrero: Says we’ve been working on getting this housing ability for two years. Now that there is a code they can work on a specific project. She says there are already homeless here and so taking care of them prevents problems later on. This is a local solution to a national problem. Rejects using the building code to try and control a program and does not try to define what a program means in the ordinance.

LaBure: Questions if garage door mechanisms are included in the amendment. Sees the need to address the affordable housing crisis but half the city is zoned R1 so we need to change the building code.

Low: The city needs to provide housing so that people can get the help they need. Says LA and Denver crime went down around pallet homes. Reiterates that the proposal is a result of council request, not a specific project and asks how the specific project would be approved. Answer is that the approval process has not been set but there have been conversations about what is needed. There may need to be a permit review involving public hearing.

Sinks: Clarifies that these new units will not be going into parks or open space.

Cruz: Asks whether a non-profit could partner in these projects. The answer is that it is only city approved, does not need to be city controlled. She says there is a human cost in not taking action.

Rein: Next step is for staff to provide a framework to answer all these questions, such as does it need a special use permit, which is an option but not certain. Rein motions to add language “owns (in whole or in part), or controls, or both” to the projects. so that the city always has “skin in the game”. He later removes this language.

Shahrezaei: As to the amendment, she approves the subcontractor relationship, (rather than the having the city own or control). City staff answers that this is a policy decision and that control could come from the permitting process.

Nystrom: Strongly states that City Council has nothing specific planned, they are just getting ready. Lakewood has a homelessness problem. People who are living on the streets need our help. Naysayers should consider being more compassionate.

Strom: Thank you to everyone working on this for the last couple years. This aligns with our priorities.

Scorecard: Amend Building Code for Transitional Housing

Strom: Aye

Shahrezaei: Aye

Sinks: Aye

Mayott-Guerrero: Aye

Cruz: Aye

Stewart: Aye

Low: Aye

Olver: Nay

Rein: Aye

LaBure: Aye

Nystrom: Aye

The City of Lakewood is looking for a consultant to write new zoning codes to:

  • densify existing neighborhoods,
  • improve equity, and
  • remove parking restrictions.

Current efforts to density have caused Lakewood to develop problems with traffic, stormwater drainage, parking and more. Existing developments have not been designed for high-density.

The city has not offered any solutions to these problems. In fact, parking is such a problem that Lakewood is studying requiring parking permits for residents – paid for by residents – rather than mandating increased parking in development plans. This proposal will intensify that problem and increase the amount of resident-funded parking permits throughout Lakewood.

Lakewood appears intent on exacerbating existing problems by allowing more densification to solve another problem… affordable housing.

It must be noted that parking, traffic and stormwater management are key functions of the city government, whereas housing is traditionally regarded as a market-based function.

There are two citizen-led initiatives in Lakewood news demonstrating that current densification is not in line with the city’s existing ordinance to maintain the existing characteristics of existing neighborhoods: a new development near Belmar Park and on Whippoorwill near Youngfield.

City ordinances are a series of laws that rule Lakewood’s development. However, Lakewood staff can interpret these rules through the lens of the city’s Comprehensive Plan.

The existing Comprehensive Plan states (pg 3-12):

“The City will continue to support the diverse image and character of the community by maintaining the existing characteristics of neighborhoods with existing single-family residential zoning; creating appropriate transitions between commercial, multi-family, and mixed-use development and single-family zoned areas; and encouraging contextually appropriate infill and redevelopment projects.”

For the last several years, Lakewood has de-emphasized the existing characteristics of neighborhoods and transition zones in favor of other factors, which has caused conflict with resident groups, such as those mentioned above.

Lakewood is currently developing a new Comprehensive Plan to show the direction of the city for the next fifteen years. The densification proposal coming out before the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is finalized shows that Lakewood anticipates knowing what the results will be, regardless of any input the community provides.

The proposal reads: “The Contractor will identify goals, recommendations, and implementation strategies, to ensure the new code is consistent with the 2040 [Comprehensive] Plan.

Since this proposal calls strictly for plans to densify, it appears that the Comprehensive Plan may have to be adjusted to match densification, rather than vice versa.

The Planning Commission will serve as the community input for this project.

See the full proposal here:

Lakewood has approved construction of Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) that are up to 1400 square feet large, bigger than the original house in some areas, in an effort to “remove barriers” to affordability. ADUs are sometimes known as “mother-in-law” suites, a separate apartment that can be rented out on your primary residence. Councilor Stewart made the original request to research increasing ADU use in Lakewood, over a year before the motion passed on June 10, 2024. The two main barriers are the concept of single-family zoning (R1 vs R2) and infrastructure costs. By passing these revisions, Lakewood has densified single-family zoning into dual-family zoning, for every property that can fit an additional dwelling unit onto the land. According to research conducted by the Planning Commission, most people say they do not build an ADU after they find out they would need to pay more for additional water and sewer infrastructure. There seems to be a common belief that because there is room on the land, there should be extra room in the pipes, which is not true. Rather than acknowledge that water districts set those infrastructure fees, Planning Commissioner and Chair Kolkmeier suggested doubling the size of an allowable ADU, from 700 sq. ft. to 1400 sq. ft., so that the infrastructure cost would be a lesser percentage. So overall costs would go up in the name of affordability.

Custom-built ADUs are already expensive compared to commercial apartment buildings that are mass produced. However, an economic analysis of construction costs or rental profits was not researched. Among the ADU proponents, including Councilor Stewart and Shahrezaei, there seemed to be an understanding that someone who went to the expense of building an ADU would be happy to rent the unit at- or below-market price, to a family member or friend.

Others, including Councilor Nystrom and Olver, questioned whether these units would be available for investors, therefore not guaranteeing it would be “affordable”. Nystrom said she was in favor of creating more ownership situations, not rental situations. Olver quoted the real estate mantra “Location location location” and said that creating more supply will not lower housing prices in a desirable location such as Lakewood. Olver’s point has been proved because Lakewood has excess supply yet housing costs have not come down.

Councilor David Rein proposed an amendment to make owner-occupancy required. The motion failed on a 5-5 vote, with the ayes being Councilors Rein, Olver, Nystrom, LaBure and Mayor Strom. The nays were Councilors: Shahrezaei, Low, Mayott-Guerrero, and Sinks. (Councilor Cruz absent).  

Without this amendment, the ADU and property can be used for two, full-time rental properties, making them attractive to investors.

Planning Commission Chair Kolkmeier explained that even though these revisions might not increase ADU construction, our current ordinance strangles growth and our residential development is in a death spiral but did not offer evidence. He argues the changes are one way to bring back families and possibly schools but he did not explain how if he believes the changes would be largely ineffective. No one offered evidence, just beliefs that some kind of change by someone was necessary.

Even though housing may be more expensive with these changes, the goal of “liberalizing” the code was achieved.

Councilor Sinks pointed out that these revisions seem like a work around to getting a property subdivided. The property could not be subdivided for separate ownership. A property with two houses would be much more expensive to sell.

If these changes are successful in increasing ADUs, the Councilors who voted for ADUs will be responsible for increasing property prices.

The other barrier, infrastructure costs, was discussed at some length during Planning Commission and Council meetings. The infrastructure fees are set by water districts individually and are not under city control. Rather than acknowledging this fact, Planning Commission Chair Kolkmeier and Councilor Roger Low enlisted the help of State Representative Chris DeGruy-Kennedy to change state law, asking to restrict a district’s ability to set infrastructure costs. This would make existing customers responsible for paying for necessary capacity increases to accommodate new building. That proposed legislation, HB24-1463, was largely defeated. No one at the state or city level explained, or even seemed to know, what the infrastructure fee would pay for, despite explanations available from resident water districts (see below).

Councilor Jacob LaBure picked up the gauntlet of problematic costs by suggesting the creation of a housing fund that the city can use to pay for people’s infrastructure costs. This suggestion was heard before during meetings on Strategic Housing. Lakewood has already subsidized tap fees before through the Community Grant Program.

The State of Colorado also passed new legislation regarding ADUs this year. That bill, HB24-1152, will require that Lakewood remove owner-occupancy provisions. However, as a home-rule city, Lakewood always has the option to challenge state law for the right to local government.  As Lakewood attorney Lauren Stanec said, “if the city decided they wanted to comply with the state ADU bill….”, presumably meaning that as a home-rule city, Lakewood always has the option to fight for its right to local government. The city could remove the owner-occupancy provision now. Lakewood did not, and passed all changes as originally proposed by the Planning commission.

Scorecard: Expanding Additional Dwelling Unit Possibilities in all R1 zones

Strom: Aye

Olver: Nay

Mayott-Guerrero: Aye

Stewart: Aye

Rein: Aye

Shahrezaei: Aye

Labure: Aye

Nystrom: Nay

Low: Aye

Cruz: absent

Sinks: Aye

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