Shahrezaei’s Bridge Lights
A line item for an $800,000 expenditure was added to the 2024 budget to fix the lights on RTD’s bridge, apparently at the request of Council Member Shahrezaei, in defiance of normal council procedures. At the time in 2023, the official explanation was that the expenditure originated from the Public Works department. As explained in Lakewood Informer news, the only communications Lakewood disclosed were between Councilor Shahrezaei and RTD, not city staff. Individual Council Members are prohibited from directing city staff in any action, including adding items to the budget. A councilor must request a study session and get permission from the rest of Council before staff take any action. So how did these bridge lights make it into the budget? The bridge does not even belong to Lakewood.

During the 2025 budget discussions, city staff are not so willing to claim they originated this item. Now, the city staff explain that the item is in the budget due to Ward 1 Councilors, not staff. The only Councilor that spanned both years is Councilor Shahrezaei. (Note: the 2024 budget was passed in Oct, 2023)
Shahrezaei explained that the bridge lights were approved last year, as if that answered all questions. She failed to explain that the expense could still be removed today, before approving the 2025 budget.
She also failed to explain how she got the item in the budget in the first place.
Shahrezaei worked with RTD representatives through the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG). She is the only one with communications about the bridge through CORA requests.

Lakewood does not own the bridge in question – RTD does. Lakewood has no obligation to take on any of this expense for an architechtural enhancement. As Shahrezaei explained in 2024 (video minute marker 58:00), she feels the lights contribute to placemaking, which is important to the city.
“In our comp[rehensive] plan and our goal setting, placemaking is important and I know that there are other things that we have to consider for our community, placemaking is one of the things that we’ve all shown priority for … which is why this is a carryover and part of the revised budget, but this isn’t part of the 2025 budget.” – Councilor Shahrezaei
“Placemaking” is not a discrete or defined goal of Lakewood City Council.
Correction 10/14/24: The newly unveiled Comprehensive Plan defines Creative Placemaking: “Tell Lakewood’s story and enhance community identity, health, and quality of life through community-based initiatives throughout the city that celebrate local culture, foster social cohesion, promote economic vitality, and activate Lakewood’s public spaces.”