Proposed Speed Limit Change is Ineffective
Due to the number of complaints the City and Council receive about people speeding, Council is driven to do something – anything. Therefore, the first reading of a proposed speed limit change to residential streets will be heard on Monday, September 9. This change is intended to decrease accidents and fatalities. However, evidence shows lowering speed limits does not change driving habits. Lakewood has not presented the number of speeding tickets, range of speeds those are given for, nor number of accidents related to speeding. This proposed change will cost Lakewood an estimated $75,000.
“It is important to note that just changing the number on the signs doesn’t significantly change driver behavior.” –Lakewood staff memo
People who drive significantly over the speed limit will continue to do so.
Is speeding causing any problems besides complaints? Will complaints go down after giving residents more reason to complain?
Lakewood staff point out that there has only been one fatality, due to a speed so much over 30 mph, that it went up the berm into a house on the second story. That driver would not be obeying any speed limit sign posted.

Staff showed that Lakewood has the same amount of accidents as other cities statewide. This data included cities with lower speed limits so the Lakewood speed limit is not causing more accidents.
Are the drivers involved in accidents on cell phones? Are they driving under the influence? None of these factors are being presented. Most of the crashes involving pedestrians occur along Colfax, a street that would not be affected by the proposed change.

Staff is asking that if lowered, the speed limit should only go down to 25 mph now but possibly decrease to 20 mph in the future.
Indications from a prior meeting, are that all City Council Members except for Rich Olver, are in favor of lowering the speed limit.