From Applewood Heights Community Organization

Despite a 5 1/2 hour Subdivision Public Hearing on 8/21, regarding the development site and both the community and the Planning Commission sharing the same concerns surrounding the safety of the access through W. 15th Place, lack of street connectivity, and making our driveway unsafe to access/unusable in winter, the developer (Metro West Housing Solutions) submitted their 5th rendition to the major site plans to the City without addressing the safety concerns that the community and the Planning Commission had. The City has returned their redlines to the developer without addressing the concerns of the Planning Commission or the Community.  

On October 14th, we filed a formal request with the City Attorney to have the Major Site Plan review to be turned over by the planning commission as today the City doesn’t have a public hearing for major site plans and it does not go before the Planning Commission. Site plans are simply approved by the Director of Planning. Attached is the letter that was sent by our attorney to Travis Parker via the City Attorney. We are still waiting to hear back from Travis Parker to see if it will be approved to go before the Planning Commission. We will keep pressing on this as we feel that with this being a complex site location, this should be put in front of the Planning Commission. 

We also attended the City Council meeting which helped us to gain some traction with the Mayor and City Council. After the meeting, the Mayor and a number of City Council members have reached out directly to us. Below is the email written to us from Mayor Strom. While we don’t know what changes they are proposing, it is a step in the right direction. 

“It has become public knowledge that City of Lakewood staff have provided design services to Metro West [Housing]. This kind of interaction only exacerbates the existing conflict of interest between the City of Lakewood and Metro West, which is the housing organization of the City of Lakewood.” From MST Evaluation Letter above

On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 12:26 PM Wendi Strom <[email protected]> wrote:

Jonna and team,

Thank you for staying in touch on this, and for everyone’s time spent in reaching out to your Councilors and coming to speak to City Council recently.

Though I’ve not lived in your area of Lakewood, I’m aware of some of the history and safety concerns surrounding this stretch of road and agree with you that the added the number of vehicles (and trips) to this space as a result of this project would likely only make things worse for your neighborhood (and the new residents that would ultimately be moving in). 

I am working closely with Mayor Pro Tem Shahrezaei and city staff to address these concerns and with the hope of coming up with a solution that will not pose heightening these risks upon your neighborhood community.  While I do not have any solutions to report right now, I want to let you all  know that we hear you, that I agree that safety is the number one issue, and that work is being done to try to improve this project. 

Thank you for advocating so tirelessly for your neighborhood, I know this has been a long road.  We’ll share more when we have it.

Warm regards,

Wendi Strom

Mayor, Lakewood Colorado

From Save Open Space – Lakewood

At a 9/4 meeting, Lakewood City Council spoke with its usual forked tongue, voting for a citizen led green initiative to expedite delegitimizing it

Monday, November 11, 2024—-At the November 4 Lakewood City Council meeting, residents witnessed the culmination of more than a year’s intensive effort by hundreds of volunteers to hold their city accountable to its progressive environmental ordinances.    

The only item in the hearing was a petition, created by Save Open Space – Lakewood (SOS – L) and signed by more than 6000 voters, which, if approved, would eliminate the option given developers to pay a fee to the city and instead require them to provide the full, current standard of 10.5 acres of parkland for every 1,000 occupants.

For over ten years, the predominantly pro-development Lakewood City Council has allowed all developers to pay the city a fee in lieu of donating land for parks and open spaces.  This has led to monstrous, soul-less apartment buildings with no green space that remind observers of Russia, not Lakewood. 

More than half of those who spoke extolled the benefits of open space and their concerns about the impending mammoth luxury apartment building adjacent to Belmar Park. 

By law, the council either had to vote for the petition at the meeting, or send it to a special election.

Following three hours of resident testimony and council deliberation, eight out of 11 councilors declared the initiative to be in conflict with state statutes. By voting to approve it, they said they could expedite a legal challenge.  They added that if they were to defer to a special election, it would be expensive and voters would become distrustful of them if litigation would eliminate their vote following the election.  

Jim Kinney, a Lakewood native, former policy analyst at the Bureau of Reclamation, and former member of the Lakewood Commission for an inclusive Community, believes that “It may not be true that the initiative is illegal due to wording. The issue of whether the state can tell a home rule municipality what to do in the area of land use remains untested in court. It may be that it isn’t the initiative the council just passed that is illegal, but the requirements in state law that are illegal!”

Councilor Paula Nystrom noted at the meeting, “We’re in an untenable situation, but there’s a reason we got here. Citizens shouldn’t have to protest, gather signatures, hire lawyers, or jump through hoops just to have their voices heard. This should be a situation where citizens are notified when something is being planned, and then they have an opportunity to speak out and make suggestions.”

Nystrom added that “we need to be consulting with environmental planners and environmental engineers…we cannot keep cutting down mature trees and expect our air quality to get better and expect citizens to be mentally healthy.” 

During the hearing it came to light that, behind its frequently closed doors, the city plans to allow Kairoi Residential, the developer of the huge building at Belmar Park, to also build 850 high density, luxury apartment units at Quail and Colfax while tearing down a grocery store and creating a food desert.

Last year, Cathy Kentner, a Lakewood music teacher, former city planning commissioner and longtime community activist, founded SOS – L which created the petition. According to their web site, “Save Open Space – Lakewood is a grass-roots initiative created and promoted by Lakewood residents who seek change in the status quo of rubber stamping development projects without consideration of the future impacts to residents and our natural environment.”

Kentner says, “The reason grass-roots initiatives exist is because elected officials have been unresponsive to the reasonable requests of their constituency.  It is a last resort that involves countless hours just to have a small chance of being heard. The fact that this council continues to be unresponsive is, therefore, not surprising.

“What is surprising is that their ignorance has led them to the assumption that they can act as judge, jury and executioner by claiming that a citizen initiative is ‘illegal’ before ever going through due process.  I am confident that, should this ordinance be challenged in court, it will hold up given a proper defense. But the question remains:  Will there be a proper defense when the fox is guarding the henhouse?

“Opposition to this initiative has come mainly from out-of-state, big money developers who don’t care about the quality of life in Lakewood.”

Save Belmar Park, formed in September 2023, is one of many neighborhood groups that have had similar experiences with Lakewood and developers. The objective of the SOS – L initiative is to bring all of these groups together to work toward their common goal of protecting Lakewood’s natural environment.

Kentner’s presentation to city council was based on debunking the illegality claim and other F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) -based statements that were presented as facts during the meeting.

Lakewood residents voted to give up their TABOR refunds forever. The measure started with Lakewood encouragement, used tax dollars to see what words messaged the best, and raised over $50,000 from people who benefit from city dollars. The money will be used for basic city services like parks and public safety, freeing up money for other city pet projects such as electrification and homeless initiatives.

The final vote tally came out 61.7% in favor, 38.2% against.

From Jefferson County unofficial election results

The first campaign committee report showed that a majority of city council members donated to the committee including Councilors Sinks, Low, Shahrezaei, Rein, LaBure, Nystrom and Mayor Strom. Greg Stevinson also donated $10,000. Stevinson just had more land annexed by Lakewood in May, 2023.

The second report shows the Lakewood Police Union and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 21 each made $10,000 donations.

From second campaign finance report of Our Lakewood

An interesting note is the $5,000 donation from the Colorado Gives Foundation. In 2024, Lakewood started a partnership with the foundation, appropriating $500,000 to give them* to develop more affordable housing (see budget book pg 23).

*Correction 13 Nov – Lakewood appropriated the money to spend on Colorado Gives affordable housing projects but is not giving the money directly to Colorado gives.

This circular relationship shows that the TABOR refunds will not just affect parks and potholes, as sold by Lakewood.

Ironically, a day before the election, Councilor Roger Low went on a rant during the City Council meeting, expressing outrage that a resident petition was not honest with the residents who were signing it. He said that if residents were asked to sign a petition that is probably illegal, they wouldn’t have gotten as many signatures, and his hypothetical description is a “much more accurate title”.

This sentiment was echoed by the majority of councilor, just like they agreed with the TABOR initiative language that there will be no new taxes. However, the city leadership failed to disclose that no new TAX RATES is not the same as no new TAX REVENUES.

Lakewood residents will be paying increasing Lakewood tax revenues with the passage of this measure. The amount in resident pockets will get be lessened.

Information provided by Lakewood resident Anthony Farr. Thank you!

Jefferson County School Property Disposition Advisory Committee recommends selling Glennon Heights Elementary to Jacob Academy, a private daycare facility. Jacob Academy hopes to serve 205 children at this location. Lakewood did not offer to buy this for community parkland like it did for Vivian Elementary. Many Lakewood council members feel Ward 4, where Glennon Heights is located, has more than its fair share of parks already. However, the property will utilize the existing school building and space for the new daycare. The final sale approval will be made November 14. There will be no other public involvement.

From Jeffco BoE 11/6 meeting

One developer did not pursue buying the property after discussing the situation with Lakewood. The recommended bid came in under appraised value.

Newly constructed homes near Glennon Heights at West Exposition Ave and South Oak St remain mostly empty, with steady price drops since they were made available for rent in February, 2024. Those units were not available for sale.

The school board briefly discussed whether this daycare would be a direct competitor for state education dollars, since preschool is now a subsidized, guaranteed business model. More research will be presented at the next school board meeting but due to buliding restrictions, such as safety doors, the public schools do not expect to expand preschool at this time.

Glennon Heights sale contract details from school board presentation:

Glennon Heights contract highlights inclue $3M purchase price

Information provided by Lakewood resident Anthony Farr. Thank you!

Jefferson County School Property Disposition Advisory Committee recommends selling Glennon Heights Elementary to Jacob Academy, a private daycare facility. Jacob Academy hopes to serve 205 children at this location. Lakewood did not offer to buy this for community parkland like it did for Vivian Elementary. Many Lakewood council members feel Ward 4, where Glennon Heights is located, has more than its fair share of parks already. However, the property will utilize the existing school building and space for the new daycare. The final sale approval will be made November 14. There will be no other public involvement.

From Jeffco BoE 11/6 meeting

One developer did not pursue buying the property after discussing the situation with Lakewood. The recommended bid came in under appraised value.

Newly constructed homes near Glennon Heights at West Exposition Ave and South Oak St remain mostly empty, with steady price drops since they were made available for rent in February, 2024. Those units were not available for sale.

The school board briefly discussed whether this daycare would be a direct competitor for state education dollars, since preschool is now a subsidized, guaranteed business model. More research will be presented at the next school board meeting but due to buliding restrictions, such as safety doors, the public schools do not expect to expand preschool at this time.

Glennon Heights sale contract details from school board presentation:

Glennon Heights contract highlights inclue $3M purchase price

Information provided by Lakewood resident Anthony Farr. Thank you!

Vivian Elementary is recommended to be sold to Carlson Associates Inc. Carlson plans to develop into 34 homes on 6,000 sq. ft. lots. Carlson will work with the City of Lakewood and Jeffco Public Schools to have 3 acres of land set aside for a city open space. The purchase price is under the appraised value and under the posted cost of recent renovations that residents paid for through bonds. The final sale approval will be made November 14. There will be no other public involvement.

Pros and cons from two proposals for the school
Proposals from the school board presentation

Two developers did not pursue buying this property after hearing that Lakewood would demand parkland dedication. So Jefferson County Schools did not receive top dollar bids. The recommended bid came in under appraised value.

The sale of the property is managed by JLL Investor Center. This same firm who is recommending buyers also recommended which schools to close, along with a school disposition committee.

The City of Lakewood approved negotiations to buy the Vivian Property in what was likely an illegal executive session that did not notify the public of their intent to buy parkland from one school but not the other. Terms for the sale to Lakewood have not been disclosed or finalized.

Vivan Elementary neighbors started a petition to get the city to save the property as a park. As of November, they gathered 1,126 signatures.

This is large number of residents but ironic, given that Lakewood City Council recently derided the 8,000 signatures gathered as part of a recent park land petition. Council, including Councilor Mayott-Guerrero, said the 8,000 signatures wasn’t enough to listen to. In the Vivian case, the city acted on a much lower number.

Contract details from the school board presentation:

Contract highlights. Purchase price of $2,549,250

According to the 2024 Financial Report, the school board paid $1,868,804 for completed renovations in 2020, just four years ago. However, the Jeffco Builds webpage shows a total budget of $2,251,226 – more than the potential sale price of the property.

Information provided by Lakewood resident Anthony Farr. Thank you!

Vivian Elementary is recommended to be sold to Carlson Associates Inc. Carlson plans to develop into 34 homes on 6,000 sq. ft. lots. Carlson will work with the City of Lakewood and Jeffco Public Schools to have 3 acres of land set aside for a city open space. The purchase price is under the appraised value and under the posted cost of recent renovations that residents paid for through bonds. The final sale approval will be made November 14. There will be no other public involvement.

Pros and cons from two proposals for the school
Proposals from the school board presentation

Two developers did not pursue buying this property after hearing that Lakewood would demand parkland dedication. So Jefferson County Schools did not receive top dollar bids. The recommended bid came in under appraised value.

The sale of the property is managed by JLL Investor Center. This same firm who is recommending buyers also recommended which schools to close, along with a school disposition committee.

The City of Lakewood approved negotiations to buy the Vivian Property in what was likely an illegal executive session that did not notify the public of their intent to buy parkland from one school but not the other. Terms for the sale to Lakewood have not been disclosed or finalized.

Vivan Elementary neighbors started a petition to get the city to save the property as a park. As of November, they gathered 1,126 signatures.

This is large number of residents but ironic, given that Lakewood City Council recently derided the 8,000 signatures gathered as part of a recent park land petition. Council, including Councilor Mayott-Guerrero, said the 8,000 signatures wasn’t enough to listen to. In the Vivian case, the city acted on a much lower number.

Contract details from the school board presentation:

Contract highlights. Purchase price of $2,549,250

According to the 2024 Financial Report, the school board paid $1,868,804 for completed renovations in 2020, just four years ago. However, the Jeffco Builds webpage shows a total budget of $2,251,226 – more than the potential sale price of the property.

From Geek Nexus

  • Survey reveals the 175 cities where residents are most irritated by a neighbor’s political yard sign.
  • Residents of Arvada emerged as the most annoyed in Colorado by their neighbors’ yard signs.
  • Infographic included.

As election season approaches, neighborhoods across America are transforming in more ways than just the changing colors of fall. Yards are blossoming with red, blue, and everything in between, as homeowners proudly display campaign signs, turning their lawns into political statements. This colorful display, however, isn’t just a form of expression – it’s sparking debates and, in some cases, irritation among neighbors…

The upcoming elections will shape the political landscape for years to come, so it’s no surprise that some Americans want to make their views visible. But while political yard signs are an essential part of the democratic process for many, not everyone appreciates them. To find out where these signs are causing the most contention, Geek Nexus surveyed 3,000 homeowners, ranking 175 cities based on the level of irritation sparked by neighborhood yard signs.

In a ranking of the top 10 cities most aggravated by political signs, Fort Lauderdale, FL, topped the list, followed by Little Rock, AR, and Pasadena, CA.

When it comes to Colorado, residents of five cities emerged among the most irritated when their neighbors decide to erect political yard signs in their front yards: Arvada (which ranked in #91st place nationally), Aurora (#118), Lakewood (#140), Thornton (#142), and Denver (#151). While Colorado may not be a battleground state, it seems residents of these cities would prefer if their neighbors kept their political views a bit more private – at least when it comes to yard signs. Whether it’s a disagreement over political beliefs or simply the cluttered look of campaign slogans across the neighborhood, many locals would likely agree that a little less lawn politics could go a long way in maintaining good neighborly relations.

Interestingly, the list also includes two cities in ‘swing’ states: Surprise, AZ, and Ann Arbor, MI. Here are the top 10 cities most frustrated by political yard signs:

1. Fort Lauderdale, FL
2. Little Rock, AR
3. Pasadena, CA
4. West Palm Beach, FL
5. Portland, ME
6. Omaha, NE
7. Surprise, AZ
8. El Paso, TX
9. Ann Arbor, MI
10. Salt Lake City, UT

Infographic showing complete city ranking

Beyond the rankings, Geek Nexus’s survey revealed some interesting insights into Coloradans’ attitudes toward political yard signs. For example, 60% of respondents said they knew their neighbors’ political leanings, while 40% weren’t sure or preferred not to know. As for the actual influence of yard signs, opinion was split: 46% of people think these signs can sway voters, while 54% believe they’re just lawn ornaments with no real effect on election results.

Most respondents agreed that political yard signs should have their season, with 76% supporting the idea that signs should only be displayed during specific times of the year, like the lead-up to an election. And while only a small group (24%) admitted they’d consider removing a neighbor’s sign if they disagreed with it, the majority (76%) were clear that they’d rather not cross that line.

Then there’s the matter of legality: 58% of people were unaware of laws regulating the display of political yard signs. And it’s not just the signs that cause tension – yard aesthetics, in general, can be a source of neighborly friction. In fact, 34% of homeowners admitted to having clashed with a neighbor over property appearance in the past.

Yard signs are a way for people to express their beliefs, but they can also create tension, especially during an election,” says Jake Valentine of Geek Nexus. “What we’re seeing is that something as small as a lawn sign can have a big impact on neighborhood dynamics. It speaks to the importance of balancing personal expression with community harmony, especially in a time as charged as election season.”

Lakewood 2A Summary on TABOR

No More Gas Fireplaces?

Lakewood City Council Member Paula Nystrom and Jacob LaBure proposed banning gas fireplaces on October, 14, 2024. On the heels of two other proposals that night for increased sustainability measures, most Councilors urged for a deeper discussion of the topic at the council’s annual retreat. Councilor Rebekah Stewart was the only other “yes” vote on moving this ban forward. This discussion will be included again later in the zoning update tentatively scheduled for May, 2025

The city is already moving forward to fund electrification efforts, which include eliminating all gas appliances. As recommended by Lakewood’s Sustainability Committee, funding incentives would be provided for residents to voluntarily change their appliances, after which, mandates would be needed for everyone else. When asked whether Council is advocating for electrification, then-Councilor Wendi Strom responded that Lakewood was just in the research phase.

According to the 2025 budget Q&A, Lakewood has moved beyond research without a Council policy vote and without further public discussion. Lakewood will be a part of five different programs to remove gas appliances in residential homes starting in 2025.

The theory is that since grants are “free money”, no one could object and furthermore, the city’s Sustainability Plan calls for decreasing greenhouse gas emissions 20% below 2007 levels by 2025 so no public discussion is needed. As Councilors LaBure and Nystrom point out, Lakewood is behind its goals. To assist in reaching those goals, all gas appliances will have to be replaced with arguably more expensive and less efficient electric appliances.

The goal does not address how to power the new electric infrastructure given the grid cannot handle the current load. It also does not address the legal problems caused by similar demands to the commercial property world. There is no word on how to reverse or stop Lakewood’s policy of encouraging high-density growth, which led to more people with more gas appliances over the past decade.

Funding programs according to budget Q&A:

  • Starting in 2025, Lakewood will use funds through DRCOG from the EPA Climate Pollution Reduction grant. Lakewood will “offer financial incentives for residential efficiency and electrification projects (heat pumps, electric cooktops, etc) and invests in more local workforce development. The program focuses on supporting low-income and disadvantaged communities and will reduce 149 million tons of carbon emissions by 2050. The funds have to be spent over the next 5 years.”
  • Xcel Energy’s Clean Heat Plan (still needs to be approved by the Public Utilities Commission) will direct $440 million to electrification and efficiency measures and reduce natural gas use. Designed to support hundreds of thousands of households starting in 2025.
  • Colorado Energy Office is expected to launch a $140 million Home Energy Rebate Program for low to moderate income households and building owners in early 2025 from the Department of Energy. This is part of the Inflation Reduction Act. The funds will be used for home electrification and appliance rebates and efficiency measures.
  • Colorado Energy Office received $20 million to support efficiency and electrification improvements for buildings larger than 50,000 SF. Expected in 2025.
  • Xcel also has a Transportation Electrification Plan and Demand-side Management plan that is expected to be adopted later this year and offer financial incentives starting in 2025. Total funding for that program is unknown at this time. 

Scorecard: Banning Gas Fireplaces

Strom: Nay

Shahrezaei: Nay

Sinks: Nay

Mayott-Guerrero: Nay

Cruz: Nay

Stewart: Aye

Low: Nay

Olver: Nay

Rein: Nay

LaBure: Absent

Nystrom: Aye

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