The Planning Commission presented evidence of health and environmental harm from fueling stations and car washes. No evidence from the other side was presented. With only one side represented, it is no surprise that the Planning Commission unanimously recommended to restrict gas stations in Lakewood, while at the same time increasing electric charging stations. Council comments generally reinforced that view and city staff will be drafting new ordinances to implement these recommendations.

The Planning Commission discussed the issue at three public meetings. In the presentation, this sounds like all sides were heard. However, inviting comment or being open to comment is not the same as researching or actually hearing the other side.

No industry representatives made comment or presentation and no information was brought forth to represent their side. Only one person made comment on LakewoodSpeaks to support the market economy. This led to a one-sided, forgone set of recommendations from the Planning Commission.

An example from the presentation of what the Planning Commission found to be a compelling argument:

“Within 10 years 80% of all fueling stations will be unprofitable (due to the switch to EV cars), leaving stranded assets that will need environmental remediation” – cited by Planning Commissioner Kip Kolkmeier

Does Lakewood have a profit standard for businesses to open? No.

Does Lakewood bear any responsibility for environmental costs if remediation is needed? No.

Is EV car use on track to eliminate gas cars? No, not without government force.

None of that was mentioned.

Planning Commission recommends eliminating gas stations in all mixed use zoning, which they claim are designed for pedestrian, cycling and mass transit use. This statement does not align with ordinance but is a move the city seems to encourage, whether explicitly stated or not. Most public policy discussions that encourage walkability do not explicitly say cars will be eliminated (*Originally worded to be sound harsher)

Purpose of Mixed-Use Zone: “Provide a well-designed site circulation system with a strongly defined pedestrian and vehicular network, good connections to adjacent land uses and efficient connections to transit stops.” Per Lakewood Zoning Ordinance, Article 7.

Planning Commission also recommends increasing electric charging stations, for which there is no business case for proven profitability or need. This argument also proves the misleading nature of “mixed use zoning is for pedestrian, cycles and mass transit.”

Lakewood may consider requiring charging stations as a prerequisite to approving future gas stations. This move will introduce additional market distortions with affects that were not studied at all. Gas stations already have the option to add any charging stations they feel have market demand.

Lakewood staff will be drafting new ordinances to implement these recommendations, while conducting further research.

Lakewood Following Denver

Once again, Lakewood is following in Denver’s footsteps. See some of the other side of the argument from Joshua Sharf, Complete Colorado:

“Never mind your guns, some Denver City Councilmembers are coming for your gas stations.

The Denver Post reports that, concerned by an alleged “sudden proliferation of gas stations,” Councilmembers Amanda Sawyer and Paul Kashmann, among others, have decided that gas stations – apparently uniquely among Denver’s many retail businesses – are taking too much space away from other priorities such as housing.  In response to this deadly threat to housing density, they are close to proposing a zoning change precluding new gas stations from being built inside a quarter-mile buffer zone around existing stations.”

Read more…

Lakewood’s Energy Outages

A Lakewood resident forwarded the following article from Denver7 pointing out that Lakewood’s push for electrification will cause more problems for an electrical grid that is already going down several times a week.

Cross-post from, By Jaclyn Allen

Xcel Energy customers in west Denver metro area report frequent, longer outages

LAKEWOOD, Colo — Just blocks away from the Colorado Mills Shopping Center, a suburban Lakewood neighborhood had three power outages in five days last week, with one lasting almost 24 hours.

“This stuff has to get thrown out,” said Pat Warling as she sorted through a freezer full of spoiled food Wednesday. “This summer’s been horrible. It’s been going out at least once a week, and last week was three times.”

Next door, Maryann Lamar has been keeping track of the nights she has been left in the dark on her calendar.

Read more…

Reader Recommended Business: MK) Ranch

MK Ranch - Colorado Grass Fed Beef

Lakewood’s offer to buy Emory Elementary School was turned down by Jefferson County. Lakewood City Manager Kathy Hodgson reported offering in-kind services in return for the school property. City Councilors expressed concern in July meetings at the concept of market-rate pricing but there is nothing the city can do. At the June meeting on the Glennon Heights Elementary School disposition meeting, residents were told that the developer, Cardel Homes, was looking at purchasing multiple school sites for residential use.

No word on what kind of residences would be built in an area that doesn’t have a neighborhood school.

Narrative Change Confirms False Front

The comments from multiple Council Members bemoaning the inability of the city to purchase the school property shows a change in narrative. This change confirms the city was, in fact, trying to buy the property, most likely in concert with the Action Center as previously stated by the City Manager. However, when asked about the purchase in the past, the city narrative from the Manager, Mayor and some Councilors, was that the city “had no direct control over school property.”

This was not a denial. It was misdirection that made residents feel ignorant and foolish for asking when it was true.

This is proof of lack of transparency from the City Manager and Mayor.

The city narrative changed from:

  1. “We are working with the Action Center to purchase the property so Lakewood can use existing Action Center property for homeless.” When that got negative public feedback, the story changed to ….
  2. “We have no direct control over the school property” while calling other reports “misinformation”. At the same time, reports were quietly rumored through City Council that….
  3. The City Manager was only interested in purchasing the property to use the soccer fields

No matter what the story, Lakewood has not been transparent since they started working on a plan in 2023.


This may be a win-win for residents. Since Lakewood cannot purchase the property, Lakewood will not make a deal behind closed doors that residents would not have had adequate time to consider before approval.

Likewise the county will not lose money on a private deal for less than market rate.

The sale of school property shows why market forces predominate the housing market. Even when an entity, like the school board, got the land and/or building from the developer for free, no one likes to give away an asset for less than market rate.

Lakewood did not respond to requests for clarification.

Host an exchange student with ASSE

Submitted by Joan from Lakewood

On July 26, 2024 , there were at least 20 individuals attempting to wash windows at the Wadsworth and Alameda intersection. Since both Denver and Arvada are addressing this issue, I believe the individuals are coming to a more friendly location. Very sad. Just four blocks from the City Council building and the police station yet no response.

After submitting this story to City Council, not one member responded but someone did forward the email to city staff to address. The response is below.

Why does City Council not feel the need to respond to legitimate concerns? Is responding as Lakewood “always has” enough?

City Staff Response:

“Thank you for expressing this concern regarding people trying to clean windows, we are examining all possible response options. We have also heard concerns of increased loitering at various businesses, panhandling, and issues like this relating to traffic safety, it’s important for us to acknowledge these valid community concerns. I’d like to offer some context regarding the legal and procedural changes that have occurred, which may shed light on the police responses observed in recent years in Lakewood (and across Colorado).

In the past, the City of Lakewood had ordinances addressing aggressive panhandling and panhandling in certain locations. However, a significant legal precedent was set on September 30, 2015, when Judge Christine M. Arguello of the United States District Court issued a decisive order in Browne v. City of Grand Junction. This ruling specifically targeted panhandling ordinances similar to those in Lakewood, emphasizing First Amendment considerations and challenging the city’s ability to regulate panhandling activities while upholding constitutional rights of free speech. Also in Colorado, the City of Greeley instituted a “median ban” for traffic safety and panhandling purposes, while Cranston, RI instituted a restriction on solicitation and panhandling in traffic. Both of those ordinances were defeated as well in ACLU challenged cases. Those, and other court cases around the country, have changed the way police respond to panhandling issues compared to decades past.

Following this legal precedent, the City of Lakewood repealed two specific ordinances related to panhandling, which were “Aggressive Begging Prohibited” (Section 9.50.120) and “Begging in Certain Locations Prohibited” (Section 9.50.130). Consequently, police agents were directed not to verbally warn or ask individuals on public property, holding signs or verbally seeking donations in a non-threatening manner, to “move along,” as had been done in the past, as it became a freedom of speech issue.

Instead, the focus shifted to whether a panhandler’s behavior posed a threat to public safety. Illegal behaviors, such as blocking passageways or refusing to leave private property after being instructed to do so by the owner, are now the primary concerns. Law enforcement prioritizes enforcing laws against criminal activity associated with panhandling, such as disorderly conduct, harassment, obstructing roadways, or trespassing, rather than the act of panhandling itself. We will also focus on traffic safety, such as obstructing traffic or incidents which cause safety concerns to any road user. When local businesses call and complain about people trespassing, we are responding as we always have.

As we see in the news, efforts are underway in the City of Denver to address the issue of mass immigration while other municipalities are identifying what the implications will be for them. What is most visible as people drive around Lakewood are more people on the street participating in activities such as window washing in traffic or panhandling on streets or nearby businesses. Again, we are examining all of our options, which may include education, enforcement and engineering changes. Obviously, the safety of all of our road users is of critical importance and know that we are striving to uphold public safety, and will examine local ordinances and state laws for ways to address any public safety concerns like we always have.”

Information provided by Jonna Helm

Updated July 28: Public Hearing set for 8/21 at 7pm

Lakewood residents have filed an appeal to approval of the subdivision for 1515 Whippoorwill Dr under the following basis: 

  • This is not a subdivision of land but rather a merger of two parcels of land at the location of 1515 Whippoorwill. In which, Jefferson County has jurisdiction to perform that function, not the City of Lakewood  
  • The proposed development is estimating 300+ car trips per day with the entrance on the blind curve on Youngfield St at W. 15th Place. The intersection at W. 15th Place and Youngfield Dr has no traffic controls and is already hazardous based on the sightlines of blind curve on Youngfield St, in which there was a near dead-on collision in Lakewood news a few weeks ago at this intersection, and the steep slope of W 15th Place, particularly in snow and ice. Adding 300+ trips per day through this intersection is unsafe and will impact traffic flow on Youngfield St.

The Planning Department will now turn this over to the Planning Commission for a public hearing. Despite this not being a subdivision but a merger, the City is using the subdivision standards to evaluate the approval of the merger. In review of the subdivision standards, there are numerous other violations to the subdivision criteria and the bullets above are just a broad stroke of the issues that we will be addressed during public hearing. 

See the formal appeal here, which alleges several improper processes and decisions.

Residents anticipate that the hearing date will be sometime mid to late August or early September and ask for support by sharing concerns as with regards to safety of the street access, lack of public transportation, traffic control patterns and street connectivity in the subdivision ordinance: 

  • Part 2: Applicable Criteria—Article 3: Subdivision Design Standards
    • 16-3-1 General Standards
    • 16-3-2 Residential Subdivision Standards
    • 16-3-5 Common space, tracts, or buildings
    • 16-3-6 Easements
    • 16-3-7 Utilities
    • 16-3-8 Street and transportation patterns and connectivity standards
    • 16-3-9 Streets, access and transportation

Sign the petition:

Here are just a couple of photo examples to illustrate the traffic problems on the blind curve. Unfortunately, there are no plans to mitigate these issues.   

Intersection of W. 15th Place and Youngfield St at the blind curve. 
Car missed the turn and hit the power pole 

Head on collision between a car and motorcycle at the blind curve

Video of one of many vehicles that get stuck or can’t up W. 15th Place in winter conditions. 

This car tried for over 2 minutes to get up W. 15th Place and never made it. Today only a few cars access W. 15th Place but what happens when there are 300 trips per day with a single entrance and exit to the apartments through this intersection? The City and Developers have no answers. 

Guest Post from Lenore Herskovitz

On Tuesday, July 30 at 5:30 p.m. the Budget and Audit Board is holding a meeting in the City Manager’s Office Cabinet Room (2nd floor above City Council Chambers). This meeting is significant because the board will be discussing the results of a recent community survey that focused on sundowning Tabor refunds permanently in Lakewood.

The City had budgeted up to $74,000 for the survey conducted by Magellan Strategies. It appears that the City is using OUR money to find a creative way to word a ballot issue to take away OUR money. Although the public is not permitted to comment at this meeting, it is interesting to pull back the curtain (similar to exposing the Wizard in the Land of Oz) and see how voters are lulled into believing that giving up our Tabor refunds is for OUR greater good.

This is an “in person only” meeting. The members of the board will be discussing their recommendations for City Council. If you have any interest in the future of your Tabor refunds, please attend this important meeting and let the board know we are watching.

News Release from Anita M. Springsteen, Esq.



When: 3:00 PM on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 (following Oral Argument before the Court of Appeals at 2:00 PM).

Where: Front entrance at the Ralph L. Carr Judicial Center, 2 East 14th Avenue Denver, CO 80203.

Civil Rights Attorney Anita Springsteen will be holding the press conference following Oral Argument to the Colorado Court of Appeals (in Case Number 2023 CA 1322, Sturgell v. CDPHE, et. al.) to address collusion by high level public officials, including the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, to conceal public records and protect bad actors responsible for the death of Elijah McClain (and for injuring thousands like him). This continues to put the public at risk today.

The appeal addresses public rights under the Colorado Open Records Act and abuses of the system, such as unfair fees for public records and delay tactics, to conceal wrongdoing by government actors.

It also addresses severe and ongoing consequences to public safety when records are illegally withheld, resulting in deaths and injuries.

Although authorities would have the public believe that justice has been served in the Elijah McClain case and that legislation has resolved the ketamine issue – the real truth has not yet emerged. This appeal marks only the beginning.

The underlying truth regarding death and injury to thousands of Coloradans (especially People of Color) caused by forcible injection with ketamine continues to be ignored and concealed by the highest officials of Colorado government.

Despite an inadequate prosecution of officers and paramedics in the McClain case, justice has not been served. The worst actors (such as “medical directors” who misused their medical licenses and conflicted “regulators” at CDPHE) remain unpunished – protected by the CDPHE and in utter hypocrisy, by the prosecutors themselves – the Attorney General’s Office.

In order to protect bad actors, CDPHE remains in violation of the Colorado Open Records Act – still refusing after four years of litigation to release copies of the fifty 2-page ketamine waivers given to fire districts. Waivers allowed paramedics to recklessly inject and kill innocent people without doctor supervision based on false claims of “excited delirium” – a condition they knew was fake and has now been officially debunked and outlawed.

Why won’t CDPHE release the waivers? Because they know the waivers were illegal and that every time ketamine was injected, it was also illegal – making the state liable for thousands of injuries.

The Emergency Medical Practice Advisory Council (EMPAC), an illegal entity overseen by CDPHE, approved ketamine waivers. EMPAC had no actual authority to waive the use of a deadly Schedule III controlled substance, or to illegally sign waivers.

Why does this matter? This system of cover up continues to put Coloradans in danger as CDPHE fails to regulate paramedics and continues to employ those responsible for the ketamine deaths.
Also, many Coloradans died because CDPHE refused to fill CORA requests as required by statute, blocking Plaintiff’s public safety investigation meant to save lives. CDPHE willfully and wantonly caused further deaths, like that of Hunter Barr. This blatant disregard for public safety and lack of accountability cannot stand.

Government attempts to contain the damage by focusing only on the injury to Elijah McClain and only on lower-level bad actors, while still failing to provide real justice for anyone hurt by ketamine, must not be tolerated.

Plaintiff and I call for a legitimate investigation into the injuries of all Coloradans injected with ketamine, and federal prosecution of those who violated the law.

We also ask for the CORA statutes to be protected and for the end of EMPAC.

For media inquiries, contact:
Anita Springsteen, Esq. at 720-838-3421 or [email protected]
Owner of the Springsteen Law Firm, LLC –
Former City Councilor for the City of Lakewood
Vice-chair of Legal Redress for Rocky Mountain NAACP

(The press conference is not on behalf of RMNAACP, and statements made do not necessarily reflect the views of RMNAACP)

News Release from Bowman Consulting Group Ltd

July 12, 2024, Reston, VA – Bowman Consulting Group Ltd. (the “Company” or “Bowman”) (NASDAQ: BWMN), a national engineering services firm delivering infrastructure design solutions to customers who own, develop, and maintain the built environment, today announced the acquisition of Element Engineering LLC (“Element”), a civil, water and wastewater engineering services firm based in Lakewood, Colorado.   

Element serves rural communities and specialty districts throughout the Rocky Mountain West and Midwest. The firm delivers a comprehensive suite of professional, innovative, and cost-effective engineering solutions to its clients. Working with primarily municipal clients, Element strives to meet each client’s unique assignment and specification.

“Element adds additional depth to our growing national water-wastewater practice and extends our presence throughout Colorado,” said Gary Bowman, chairman and CEO of Bowman. “Nick and his team have built a thriving business by focusing on the details of building relationships and delivering unrivaled client service.  Their proximity to our Denver operations provides an attractive opportunity to leverage each other’s relationships and resources.  I am confident this will be a successful combination of cultures, customers and opportunities.”

“We started Element to deliver civil, water and wastewater engineering to smaller water authorities and municipal customers who weren’t being served by larger firms,” said Nicholaus Marcotte, founder and president of Element. “With Bowman, we will be able to continue our commitment to underserved customers but with a bigger set of resources and a deeper suite of services.  We will also be exposed to a broader assortment of local and non-local projects which is an exciting prospect for everyone at Element.  We’re pleased to be moving into this next phase of our company’s growth and evolution.”

Financed with a combination of cash, seller notes, and equity, the acquisition falls within previously discussed target multiples and operating metric ranges. The Company anticipates the acquisition will initially contribute at an annualized net service billing run rate of approximately $4.0 million and be immediately accretive. More detailed information on M&A activities, pipeline, and guidance updates are provided in connection with scheduled quarterly and annual communications.

About Element Engineering

Element Engineering has been providing civil, water and wastewater engineering services since 2014. Founded by Nicholaus Marcotte, P.E., the firm has grown over the past 10 years to become a trusted service provider to many rural water authorities and municipalities throughout the Rocky Mountain West and Midwest. Specializing in water and wastewater treatment design, permitting, planning, funding, and design; enforcement orders assistance; GIS, mapping and asset management; and distribution and collection system modeling, analysis, and design the firm has licensed specialists providing designs to meet all related customers specifications. For more information on Element Engineering, their projects, and their services, visit

About Bowman Consulting Group Ltd.

Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Bowman is a national engineering services firm delivering infrastructure solutions to customers who own, develop, and maintain the built environment. With over 2,200 employees and more than 95 offices throughout the United States, Bowman provides a variety of planning, engineering, geospatial, construction management, commissioning, environmental consulting, land procurement, and other technical services to customers operating in a diverse set of regulated end markets. Bowman trades on the Nasdaq under the symbol BWMN. For more information, visit or

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