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Time to Sue Colorado?

From Somebody Should Do Something

A group of young plaintiffs recently won a suit against the state of Hawaii. The suit centered around the failure of the Hawaii DOT to reduce transportation-related emissions. Now, someone should do Colorado.

Colorado might claim that they are trying to cut down on people having to drive. While failing to mention that it is due to the state’s and municipal failures of planning that so many people have to drive to their jobs.

Regional Transportation District (RTD) has been in existence since 1969 (so, since before many of us were born) and it (along with CDOT) has failed to implement, maintain and adapt a transportation system comprehensive enough to eliminate the need for most to drive on a daily basis. Why did the RTD and Denver, and Colorado state legislature fail to secure the rights of way for future transit build-out decades ago, when the land cost the proverbial pennies on the dollar?

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