Lakewood Informer

Resident generated news about Lakewood, Colorado.

Lakewood City Council news and a platform for resident information

We Know What’s Good For You – Metro Districts

Guest Post by Alex Plotkin One of the fundamental jobs that a government has is to ensure that businesses act ethically.  In theory, the government, local, state or federal will pass regulations which keep corporations from exposing thousands of residents to cancer-causing chemicals.  In theory, having learned just how abusive metro districts can be, a...
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Judge: Lakewood police must disclose blurred body-cam footage of officers shooting and killing 17-year-old

Cross-post from By Jeffrey A. Roberts, Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition A judge Friday ordered the Lakewood Police Department to release blurred body-worn camera footage of officers shooting and killing a 17-year-old crime suspect in March 2023. The city withheld the video from Scripps News journalist Lori Jane Gliha, contending it was required to do...
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Opinion: Clapping handled as a threat, not active heckling

Mayor Strom’s explanation during the May 15th Council meeting demonstrated first-class political spin for why the April 22 meeting was adjourned early. For those active citizens who have shown up to protest at City Council meetings and have been told they “must refrain from audible support”, Mayor Strom and Mayor Pro Tem Shahrezaei issued a...
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Lender sells $60 million note on Wadsworth apartment project

Cross-post from Justin Wingerter, BusinessDen A $60 million blunder along Wadsworth Boulevard that was all but abandoned in January is now a stable, $117 million apartment project and two-thirds complete, its receiver said. Aspen Heights Partners, a Texas developer, broke ground in 2020 on a 352-unit apartment complex at 1225 Wadsworth in Lakewood, with plans...
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Update on homelessness and immigration housing.

Guest Post from Joan from Lakewood Week of June 1 – personal update on homelessness and immigration housing. So this week I was invited to two different meetings with two different perspectives on homelessness, immigration, and affordable housing. This is my perception of both meetings. Meeting number one 6/4 was the Common Sense Institute (CSI)...
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Another Interest-Free Developer Loan

Lakewood agreed to an interest-free loan for up to $2.75 million, for Texas-based developer Artesia Real Estate Investments. The money will be used to demolish the old Sears buildings at 10785 W Colfax Ave. The Lakewood Reinvestment Authority (LRA) Executive Director Robert Smith says the rampant crime at this vacant property justifies using city funds...
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There is NO housing shortage! Time for a re-think!

Cross-post from Proof that there is already more than enough rental housing for everyone in the metro area and in the country! Decimating our environment and wildlife habitats to build unneeded high-rent housing is bad policy. Oft cited supply-and-demand slogans have minimal relevance because real estate is NOT a commodity. Read the Full Report...
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Jeffco Schools “anticipates receiving an offer from Lakewood for Emory”

Lakewood still publicly denies any interest in purchasing Emory Elementary but that's not stopping plans from moving forward. The plan still seems to be for Lakewood to act on behalf of the Action Center. The Action Center has not responded to repeated requests for comment. Lakewood residents know more about what Lakewood is doing from...
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Lakewood Named Among the Least Likely Cities People Would Move to for Romance (poll)

From, Written by: Amber Brooks, Edited by: Lillian Castro Ranking of the most and least appealing cities if moving for love. Thornton rated as the most attractive city in Colorado to move to for a new relationship. Lakewood the least appealing. Infographic included. You're head-over-heels in love, and the thrill of a long-distance romance has been both sweet...
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A Look at Proposed Changes to Traffic Control in Lakewood

Guest Post from Bill Foshag Editor's Note: Lakewood has a survey about changing the speed limit. However, the introductory information is incomplete and misleading. The concept of lowering the speed limit has supporting research from the Lakewood Advisory Commission, as they say, but also information showing it will be ineffective from police and traffic control....
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