Lakewood Informer

Resident generated news about Lakewood, Colorado.

Lakewood City Council news and a platform for resident information

No Looking@Lakewood Column for Olver

City Council Member Rich Olver’s column was not included in the latest Looking@Lakewood because he explained alternative facts for the Council-approved TABOR ballot issue. He did not advocate for a position either way but Lakewood is. Lakewood initiated the ballot issue and spent $74,000 for a study to craft the ballot language to gain approval....
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Lakewood to Censor “Misinformation”?

The Lakewood Advisory Commission (LAC) has proposed changing its ethics rules to allow penalties for misinformation. This rule change is a result of information posted by the Lakewood Informer. As discussed in the public LAC meetings, this change would allow Commissioners to be removed from the LAC if they are found to have violated the...
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Residents Feel Unsafe Around Navigation Center Crime Increase

A Lakewood resident gave an impassioned speech about how crime has dramatically increased around the Lakewood Navigation Center. She spoke immediately after City Council passed their new ordinance to allow more transitional housing for homeless. This resident lives near the new Navigation Center shelter and has had her life threatened multiple times. Council members, like...
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City Not Disclosing Where New Units for Homeless Going

Lakewood City Council amended the building code to allow transitional housing for homeless on September 9. There were no defined programs, no defined projects, no defined locations, no operational guidelines and no defined structures. City Council Members spent most of their comments defending the lack of specificity by saying this is just the first step....
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New Local Substack Author

Local author started a substack newsletter to talk about things bigger than just Lakewood. Check it out when you have time. Time to Sue Colorado? From Somebody Should Do Something A group of young plaintiffs recently won a suit against the state of Hawaii. The suit centered around the failure of the Hawaii DOT to reduce transportation-related...
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Press Release A Resolution drafted by the Lakewood Planning Commission sought to address inadequacies in the process for Major Site Plans.  The request for a Resolution came from Rebekah Stewart on City Council and was in direct response to the 6-story apartment complex planned directly adjacent to Belmar Park, its lakes, and established natural habitats. ...
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Lakewood Considering Red Light and Speeding Cameras

Red light and speeding traffic cameras are a contentious and well known issue. Lakewood specifics from the staff memo: Cameras would have to be installed on arterial streets, not residential. The city is looking at vendors who are confident the city will make money from citations, not lose money on cost of cameras Would require...
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Lakewood Changing Code to Allow Transitional Housing Units for Unhoused

Lakewood is following Denver's lead on allowing micro-communities, or pallet homes, to be built in Lakewood. This program would provide transitional housing for the unhoused. According to Denver7, Lakewood is considering building these housing units themselves. Lakewood remains opaque as to their intentions and where these communities might be built. The vote to change the...
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Whippoorwill Development Appeal Denied

The residents lost their appeal on the Whippoorwill development. At the Planning Commission meeting on August 21, residents brought up the numerous problems with the development. One of the main complaints was that Lakewood does not have jurisdiction to merge these parcels, which should be done through Jefferson County. The meeting lasted five and half...
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Proposed Speed Limit Change is Ineffective

Due to the number of complaints the City and Council receive about people speeding, Council is driven to do something - anything. Therefore, the first reading of a proposed speed limit change to residential streets will be heard on Monday, September 9. This change is intended to decrease accidents and fatalities. However, evidence shows lowering...
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Lakewood Informer

Resident generated news for Lakewood, Colorado.

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